Each team has two players, a shooter and a ball-boy. The shooters are on one end of the table, the ball boys on the other.
Line up three cups in a vertical line on the opposite side of the table for each team. Each cup represents a different kind of shot, a layup (the closest), a free throw (middle), and three-pointer (farthest). Put one full cup in between the two teams’ cups. This is the half-court shot.
Every time a player makes a shot their ball boy must drink the beer before the shooter can move on to their next shot. Your ball boy is also there to catch the shots you miss and throw them back to you.
Your cups must be made in the correct order: lay-up then free throw, then three-pointer. If you make one out of order, it doesn’t count.
Once you make all three of your cups you can then shoot for the half-court shot. If you make the half-court shot, the opposing teams’ shooter must chug it.
Refill the half-court cup. Shooters become ball boys, ball boys become shooters.

On each end of the table place two cups of beer in a line on the far right side, 2 cups in the middle, and 2 cups on the far left side.
Start on one end of the table facing off your opponent. Take turns shooting into the other person’s cups.
Once one person makes both cups, leave whatever cups are there (for now) and move on to the next round in the middle of the table. Do the same as the first round and then move onto the last round at the end of the table.
Whoever wins 2 out of the 3 rounds wins the game. The loser must drink the cups they didn’t make of the winner’s from all three rounds.
If the same person wins the first two rounds you still must play the last round to see if the loser has any cups to drink from the last round.

Set up two horizontal rows of three cups on each side of the table and put an empty can that you used to fill up the beer in each of the four corners on the very edge of the table.
Each side starts with one ball. Once the serving team shoots, the game begins and anyone can shoot any time they have a ball.
If the ball makes it in a cup, a person on the other team has to drink that cup before shooting the ball again. The other person on the team can keep shooting.
At any time during the game you can spike the ball by throwing it at one of the cans on the corner. If the can falls off of the table, the opposing team must pull one of their cups and drink it. First team to get all of their opponent’s cups wins.
Weightlifting is a fun twist on flip cup. It’s played the same way except for one difference, the amount of beer in each cup.
Starting on one end fill up each cup increasing the amount in each. The last person on each side should have a full cup, this is the heavy weight*
Starting on the smallest end, each person must chug their cup and flip it before the next person goes.
First team to have all their cups flipped wins.
As you play more rounds, move the heavy weight cup down the line. DON’T let players move! Each player must “pull their own weight” to win.
Have a favorite drinking game to share? Tell us about it at info@threadbrew.com!